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Examples of Past Projects

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Private Landowners (Treeplanting)

Planted over 535,658 trees planted since 1991 on 158 properties. 

- 2018 Hand plant + Machine plant: 27,361 trees

50 Million Tree Plant 

Forests Ontario PDA since 2012.

201,108 trees planted on 61 properties since 2012.

- 2018 Hand plant: 27,400 trees

- 2018 Machine plant: 7,800 trees

In total we have planted over 14.1 million tree seedlings since 1991 in Ontario.

The following are samples of completed projects from 2018:

Municipalities & Conservation Areas

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Area (NVCA):

Client since 1998 ; Over 1,511,524 trees planted in total.

- 2018 Hand plant: 34,050 trees

- 2018 Machine plant: 98,840 trees

Trees Unlimited in cooperation with Land Care Niagara and the Haldimand Stewardship Council:

Client since 1997 and 2005 respectively ; Over 2,012,069 trees planted in total.

- 2018 Hand plant: 295,900 trees

- 2018 Machine plant: 102,257 trees

Conservation Halton:

Client since 1998 ; Over 1,026,113 trees planted in total.

- 2018 Hand plant: 27,857 trees

- 2018 Machine plant: 61,853 trees

Town of Oakville:

Client since 2005 

- 2016-2018: Large scale urban forestry project to mitigate loss of mature ash canopy destroyed by Emerald Ash Borer infestation. Includes removal and treatment of invasive woody under-story species followed by intensive planting of native tree species of all sizes. Multiple parks and natural areas throughout the Town of Oakville.

- 2018 Invasive Control: 47.43 hectares 

- 2018 Hand plant: 37,520 trees

City of Toronto:

Client since 2014

Woody and herbaceous invasive species control removal within urban parks. May include intensive planting of native tree species.

- Fall 2017-Winter 2018: Invasive species control projects at the following locations: Beare Park, Bestview, Earl Bales, Major Abass Alley, Murison  Park, Brookdale Park, Roundtree Mills Park, Centennial Park, Heathercrest Park, Princess Margaret, Echo Valley, Caledonia, Galloway Park, L'Amoreau Park, Bob Hunter Park, Guild Park, Brimlee Park, and Sunnybrook Park.

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